Knowing Parents too Long

I teach at the Elementary School I attended. I have students of former classmates. How do I try and create the teacher-parent relationship instead of the former classmates relationship?

Solution #1
I would begin by being very cordial to parents and letting them know that you are excited to have their child in their class. You can also write in your syllabus or letter sent home at the beginning of the year that all students will be treated equally and fairly throughout the year so that parents are aware that no special treatment will occur, have parents sign and return this letter too. If a problem arises I would politely explain to the parent that you expressed no preferential treatment would occur and that you hope it would not effect your relationship with them but you are held responsible for treating all students equally.
Solution #2
I actually enjoy having siblings because a rapport has already been built with the parents. However, no two children are the same. It has been my experience that my teacher/parent relationship has been different every time that I have taught siblings because the difficulties I had with each child was different. I like being able to reach out to the parent without having to go through the "getting to know you" phase before expressing your concerns. Try to put your focus toward the child that you are currently teaching instead of spending your time reminiscing.

I agree! The relationship is already there so it makes things easier.

Solution #3
I would start by being professional in the way you speak to parents so that you come across as more of a teacher than a former classmate. When you speak to parents, try to give them a weekly report and state academic praise, like they used a lot of detail in their writing or their fluency skills have increased. This will show a pattern of professional behavior.