Teaching four year old children can be difficult, because some of the students' parents are not ready to let their children be independent. For example, I have a parent that does not let her child go on field trips unless she can go. By doing this, the child is missing out on a lot of great experiences. How can I convince this parent to let her child attend field trips?
Yes I agree with this approach.
Great solution! Building relationships with parents is a big big deal! They trust you with their child
Unfortunately I think you are right. We cannot force a parent to let their children go on a fieldtrip. Sometimes parents have a difficult time letting go and don't see that their child needs to become more independent. If it was inside the school building then the principal could ask the parent to leave so that instruction could begin.
This is an great solution! i will definitely use this in my classroom.
I think you are right on that. Letting go of a child is tough, specially at that age. You make great points.