
How detailed is a teaching resume supposed to be? What is most important to include?

Solution #1
Top Solution
Technically, your resume should not be over 1 page. You need to include anything relevant to the position you are applying for. Any jobs, volunteer hours, or internships you had in the field. Make sure you start with the most recent activity first. Include school experience from high school to college.

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Solution #2
I believe that paper resumes are still important for a face-to-face interview, however, I attained my first teaching job by submitting my online teaching portfolio to principals in the school systems I was interested in. This portfolio can include a lot more than past work experience and school data. You can add your teaching philosophy, student work samples and growth, and pictures of what your classroom lessons look like. The principal who hired me for my first job told me that my portfolio impressed him because it showed him I was knowledgable with technology and provided him with a broader view of my abilities.

This is the cleanest and quickest way to impress an employer, being tech savvy.

Solution #3
To add to the first solution, it would also be important to include references to your resume, making sure to list them in level of importance and most current.
Solution #4
I believe a teaching resume should be extremely detailed including all relevant work history, academic achievements, and references from Schools, Professors, and colleagues.

Definitely! I also think it's important to put down your own personal achievements and hobbies. Are you on a co-ed soccer team, maybe the school needs a coach and a new team member they know is a team player.

Solution #5
The first repsonse covered it really well. Just noted your personal information along with volunteer/internship experience is great. Additionally its great to have references to help support yourself in the interviewing process.
Solution #6
I was also wondering about this. I feel a resume should be one page and list your schooling (high school and college), previous jobs, experience, special accomplishments, and community service if any!
Solution #7
No more than one page. Definitely mention your experience and education
Solution #8
Due to all the "technicalities" of a proper resume, I have found it very helpful to create a personalized teacher brochure as a supplement. Inside my brochure I include photos of student learning, my teacher philosophy, a snapshot of my "resume" (like my degrees, certifications, etc.)! It has helped me stick out!

This is the first time I hear about including a brochure.

me too.

Solution #9
Resumes should be approximately one page long. However, I find that many schools ask for a cover letter to express more of your background and why you are eager to teach at their school.