You and your school have very strict rules about students not using cell phones in class. The first offense is a warning, and the second is an administrative referral. Mary is obsessed with using her phone and you have warned her and written her up several times. When you contact the parent about these instances, she informs you that she's sorry but she is the one texting her daughter. She said that is is always important and she would prefer if you stop writing her up since she is taking the blame. You are very confused because you do not want other students to see Mary using her phone and think it is ok for them to use thier phones as well. How would you handle this situation?
I agree that the rule should still stand for that child and if the mother needs to get a message to her daughter then it should go through the front office.
Yes, rules are rules and the mother needs to understand this. Great solution.
I agree - if it's important enough, you can call the office.
If I were in this situation, I would take this approach to solve the problem.
if this was an issue in my classroom i would offer an alternate option to either be excused so it doesnt distract the other students or give my number to the parent and contact me and i can relay the information to the student