My school has a new principal; she is only new to the building, not to the position of being an administrator. We also have a brand new vice-principal who has never been in an administrative role. Our principal is never at the school. She is constantly at meetings at the school board office, visiting other schools in the county, or at trainings. In addition, this principal is never at any of the after school events: dances, sporting events, plays, or curricular events. The teachers at the school are having a hard time with this because we are used to a very involved, visible administrator that only left because she was promoted to a Director position. Is it because we are used to an administrator that was always doing things above and beyond or should our current principal be more involved and visible in our school?
I agree, being the principal is a big responsibility and they should be obligated to go to most school events.
Comparing one to another can sometimes set you up for failure. It is important to allow the current principal to be the best/ worst principal he/she knows how to on her own. Change is sometimes uncomfortable and takes time getting use to. I would suggest to be more understanding and patient with the new principal as her role is stressful enough on top of leading a new staff. As much as we want support and understanding from the administrator, I am sure they would like the same.
I agree.